
Welcome to Henningsvær the pearl in Lofoten Islands. Henningsvær Turistheim  AS offers; art ,things to do and also space for accomodations and work in a fantistic enviroment.


Lena is holding courses in photography  mainly analogue style and darkrooms techniques.

If you are intrested in;

  • Analogue photography
  • Photography in Lofoten Islands
  • Darkrooms techniques

If you like to learn something new during your active stay in Norway.

Contact us for at great happening while staying in Lofoten Islands.


Henningsvær Turistheim AS is a company that offers several services for the active visitor in Lofoten Islands.

We offer

Accomodation rooms and apartments
VW Camper rental
Art exibitions
Artstudios for rental
Courses in darkroom technique (Photography)
Short time rental of officespace



Kan vara ett norrbottniskt uttryck, om inte rikssvenskt. Hur som helst den bästa rubriken jag kom på till de här raderna. Det här är alldeles snart färdighaft, syftar på skrivandet. Jag började blogga i hopp om att det skulle verka som någon slags terapi efter branden. Kände behov av en slags tröst i form av …